Coronavirus support: When you're on your own, we are there with you

We are living in unprecedented times and the reality is for the short-term this isn’t going to get any easier.

More so than ever before, it is so important that we, your trusted local newspaper and website, looks to champion those who are going the extra mile and shouting from the rooftops about those acts of kindness that put a smile on someone’s face.

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There have been some remarkable scenes across the country from supermarket shelves stripped bare and closed signs decorating the doors of local independent businesses as they look to diversify to weather the storm.

Yet among the scenes of chaos and panic there have been some wonderful displays of kindness that have truly demonstrated the very best of the human spirit.

Hundreds of thousands of volunteers up and down the country are pulling together to make a difference to the communities they live in.

They are checking in on their elderly neighbours who face the very real prospect of spending months on end alone in their homes.

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This army of unsung heroes is delivering food, walking dogs and dishing out their phone numbers to make sure that their neighbours, friends and colleagues know there is someone there.

And we will be recognising this national effort through our #actsofkindness campaign but we need you to tell us what is happening where you live.

The National Health Service is constantly under pressure, underfunded and under scrutiny – but this treasured institution has become a lifeline to the nation.

Our team of reporters up and down the country will be sharing the stories of those medics who are our country’s first line of defence serving the exceptional NHS.

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We will be speaking to the doctors, nurses, paramedics and GPs who are supporting the health of the nation.

And we’ll also be looking at those working behind the scenes - from cleaners, porters, administration staff and community health teams - who make sure that our hospitals continue to operate during the pandemic.

Meanwhile, local businesses and traders are already starting to feel the impact of a decline in trade and they are at the heart of the very fabric of the communities we serve.

We will be looking at how businesses are diversifying to stay open and championing them through this challenging period.

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